
Co-Founder, Chief Creative Officer

linking digital financial literacy with alternative credit scoring... and more!

Bridging the gap for informal sector entrepreneurs

Informal business can make up to 95% of an emerging market’s GDP. Meanwhile, informal sector entrepreneurs often have limited formal education and financial literacy, and limited access to capital, making upward mobility difficult. While many of them are becoming left behind in the global digital revolution, financial institutions also struggle to understand and properly screen customers.

My co-founders Chris, Francis, and I started Mosabi with a unique mission to unlock financial opportunities and capital through innovative learning. Our solution is both B2C (business to customer) and B2B (business to business).

For individual entrepreneurs, Mosabi is a digital learning platform that helps links them to banks, lenders, and other financial opportunities based on their learning level. For financial institutions such as MFIs, banks, and telcos; we help them scale their reach to include the underbanked, and better understand their customers.

The Mosabi App

As learners go through each lesson, we created gamified quizzing, surveys, and chatbots to encourage behaviour change and also generate a user profile.

While learners establish mastery of financial concepts through quizzes, our patented machine learning engine analyzes their journey in real time and suggests content and financial products based on their targeted profile and preferences.

By gathering engagement analytics and tracking their understanding of content, our algorithm also generates a unique credit score and user profile. Financial institutions can then offer financial products to users more confidently and efficiently.

Our Impact

🌍 30,000 users served across the African continent

🚺 60% female users

🦋80% are youth of 35 years or under

⭐️ 25% better loan repayment rate compared to control groups

💰 70% of users reporting earning or saving more money

In house content production

Our Nairobi production team produced a library of animated/illustrated lessons on topics such as entrepreneurship, data privacy, mobile money, and financial skills. All of our lessons are created in-house (with our production team in Nairobi), from illustrated comics to fully animated courses - and designed to overcome limited literacy with audio and visual cues.

Not only do our courses teach our users financial and digital skills, but we also streamlined our production process to enable speedy language customization to our learners' environments and their local languages - such as French, Wolof, Krio, or Xhosa. We also tested numerous artistic styles across various markets to come up with a unique look that allows us to create content quickly, and scale rapidly across multiple demographics.